If you have been offered a settlement agreement and are looking for a settlement agreement solicitor or if you are looking for an employment solicitor look no further. We are ideally placed to help you.
Sarah King is based in Northamptonshire and is part of a large employment law team who specialise in settlement agreements. Either Sarah personally or one of the Excello Law team can assist in advising you. You will find our rates highly competitive and based on my locality not the higher London rates you would expect from the main office address.
On 94% of all settlement agreement cases we have been able to get a better deal for our clients either financially or enhancing the terms. Our guarantee is that if you simply sign the first draft of the agreement without any changes, then we will charge you no more than is in the agreement by way of your employer’s contribution to your legal fees.*(provided this is the usual £500 + VAT standard contribution)
We are a team of experienced employment solicitors who will provide you with the required advice as to the terms and the effect on your ability to pursue your rights if you do sign the settlement agreement. However, included in the fee is much more. You will also have the opportunity to talk through your case and whether the package is adequate. Our vast experience means we also know what terms we would expect to see and the clauses we should be asking for in your unique case. If you’re looking for expert advice you’ve come to the right place. We can spot missing standard clauses or unusual wording as well as assess the package and its adequacy.
If you are still unsure on what to do next you can review our FAQs or Fees policy. Contact us for more information today.
t: 01832 776464
e: sking@excellolaw.co.uk